

The concept of which, in my life time (since 1958) has gone from simply being the mind - regarded as a store of things remembered, to science and technology’s creation of the computer and it’s collateral storage devices - which have literally become an extension of our personal physiological faculty, thanks to google and the "contacts" app on your iphone. 

Case in point - How many telephone numbers do you know by heart - on demand - right now? 

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Trust Your Equipment

It’s been a year and a half since I’ve written a story and I miss writing, it’s good for me and I know it...My last story was a blog I called “Continental Drift” ( where I articulately agonized the sussing out of my Sturm und Drang over a huge blank canvas to fill being one of the three uber venues of Austin’s HUGE SXSW 2009.

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Gary Martin and I restored this beat up old neon sign for our friend Steve Wertheimer's brand new club back around 1987. Back then, we'd go to meet up with Steve at the Watson - Casey Group where he worked as a CPA. Then he would take us over to look at “the club”.

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